If you are a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, then I think it is obligatory to bite the bullet, as it were, in that you made an election to a polity, and the idea that one can take one’s ball and leave if the game is not going your way is the kind of juvenile thinking that produces dismissal of millennials as callow.
Having said that, attempts at ridiculing those who are committed to reversing the decay that has resulted in the sorry parade of establishment hacks that now passes for the Democratic Party will serve little purpose save to fan the flames that should consume those intent on coronation. Old sour-pusses decrying as anathema the progeny of a pied piper intoning a tune perhaps forgotten by too many.
Their candidate is NOT as important as their children, our children, for children are always tomorrow, while the candidate will at some point be swallowed up like Ozymandias. So many were heard to snicker at Corey Booker’s comments as he appeared so oblivious to the fact that everything he decried was in fact nested so very close…
Poor grace is a sorry example to offer the tantrumming youth of how to share power. The Old Guard wants to celebrate their victory by eating their offspring. The Romans, ever an example to our propounding pops, would only inquire, being invited to the circus, “Where’s the bread”? The convention has become circus, as opposed to a place of business. It might serve the needs of Republicans, but it has become incredibly tedious for the rational.
Yes, I AM an old fart, and yes, millennials DO give me heartburn. But I know we need these people to turn the corner, and holding a coronation when 40% of your delegates would like nothing more than to burn your candidate at the stake is perhaps not the best way to proceed. Yes, some might think it “thoughtful” that a herring was tossed to the barkers from time to time (Diane Russell was magnificent, and Michelle, Elizabeth and Bernie had great speeches) but one could barely kindle a “unity” spark when someone stepped up to remind one and all that this was not about policy, it was a coronation.
Maybe it was as simple as forgetting that the nomination had yet to take place. Maybe it was the unaddressed hubris of those who, albeit without Debbie, continued to continue. So while I am going to urge Dem delegates to stay the course, I also want to suggest that Dems should start looking to primary a standing President in 2020. Hopefully, thanks to Senator Sanders, the party, as in Alaska, is changing course. There are many who have no problem with leaving behind those, enamored of neoliberalism, who choose to abandon ship.