To my expropriating friend,
You have opined about the unkempt nature of your recent communications, announcing that you will start using the word feck.
Now, if you wanted to talk about you being feckful (I think we reserve feckless2 for those promoting “solutions” which are, in ‘effect’ [you liked that bit of word play, didn’t you?] little more than opportunities to co-op energies that might otherwise actually produce change… ) we could talk about how full of feck you were (though I don’t know how we actually measure feck – perhaps a fecking meter – would we find one of those in Old Eire?).
But feck, as a minced oath (you will want to read this 3 amounts to what the ultrablue might argue is cultural appropriation (as you no doubt understand based on your intent to expropriate), and that would be potentially damning in a political melee where the critical play is choosing sides!
All I can recommend is what is suggested to be the lesson of the friars of Cambridgeshire:
Thystlis and breris crescentia gramina laedunt;
Christe, nolens guerras, sed cuncta pace tueris;
Destrue per terras breris, flen, flyȝes, and freris.
Flen, flyȝes, and freris, foul falle hem thys fyften ȝeris,
For non that her ys lovit flen, flyȝes, ne freris.
Fratres Carmeli navigant in a bothe apud Eli,
Non sunt in cœli quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.[1]
Omnes drencherunt, quia sterisman non habuerunt,
Fratres cum knyvys goth about and txxkxzv nfookt xxzxkt,[2]
Ex Eli veniens praesenti sede locatur,
Nec rex nec sapiens, Salomon tamen ille vocatur.
Pediculus cum sex pedibus me mordet ubique,
Si possum capere, tokl tobl[3] debet ipse habere.
Si tibi strok detur, wyth a round strok evacuetur;
Et si revertetur, loke tu quod retribuetur.
Est mea mens mota pro te, speciosa Magota.
Verum dixit anus, quod piscis olet triduanus;
Ejus de more simili foetet hospes odore.
Est in quadrupede pes quintus, in aequore pulvis,
In cirpo nodus, in muliere fides.
Cum premo, re retrahit, stringit con, inque sigillat,
Sub silet, ob spoliat, sed de gravat, ex manifestat.
Thus, pix, cum sepo, sagmen, cum virgine cera,
Ex hiis attractus bonus est ad vulnera factus.
Vento quid levius? fulgur. Quid fulgure? flamma.
Flamma quid? mulier. Quid muliere? nichil.
Auro quid melius? jaspis. Quid jaspide? sensus.
Sensu quid? ratio. Quid ratione? nichil.
Frigore Frix frixit, quia Tros trux tubera traxit,
Trosque truces Traces secuit necuitque minaces.
Taurus in herba ludit, et optat tangere limpham.
Rumbo murena extat Thamesia plena.4
- “Fuck | Origin and Meaning of Fuck by Online Etymology Dictionary.” Accessed July 25, 2018.
- “Feckless | Search Online Etymology Dictionary.” Accessed July 25, 2018.
- “The Meanings and Origins of ‘Feck.’” Sentence First (blog), September 12, 2012.
- Wikisource contributors, “Flen flyys,” Wikisource , (accessed July 25, 2018).